Category: Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
What if someone gave you an easy way to become more upbeat, positive, and energized? Would you take advantage of it? Scientists now know people who practice gratitude and appreciation reap many benefits, such as improved physical and psychological health, increased energy, reduced stress, improved quality of sleep, and mental strength. Gratitude reduces negative emotions…
Teen Drug Trends
Drug abuse among teenagers is a growing concern worldwide, and it is imperative that parents, grandparents, teachers, and community leaders take an active role in preventing it. Substance abuse can lead to various health, social, and legal problems, and educating young people about the dangers of drugs is important. Popular Drugs Among Teens Teens’ most…
A Lethal Experiment
Experimenting with drugs is more dangerous than ever. With 6 out of 10 counterfeit pills in 2022 containing enough fentanyl to potentially kill your child (just 2 mg), as found by the DEA, there is a 60% chance of one pill destroying your child’s life. ONE pill can kill. And—it is not just pills like…
Back-to-School Tips
Adjusting After the COVID-19 Chaos of 2020 It’s that time again, time to hear the morning rush. “Time to get up! Where is my backpack? Did you brush your teeth? Did you pack your lunch? Let’s go, we are going to be late!” Yup, it is time to prepare for Back-to-School. This school year will…
Question & Silence
Get in the Way Tip #8 Through the years, I have learned a very productive habit when helping people solve problems on their own. The habit is – Ask a great question and then shut up! People are more likely to do something when it is their idea. Asking a great question, followed by silence,…
The Talk
It is not always easy to start conversations with your children about certain topics. They can become awkward and uncomfortable fast. But those are the types of conversations that are the most important for your family’s future. You know the talk, right? The talk you have with your child about your expectations on alcohol and…
Creating Purpose
The teen brain focuses on risk and excitement. As parents, grandparents, or caring adults, there are times when we must Get in the Way and be the guiding force—and at times—foil these high-risk situations teens create or put themselves in. Get in the Way Tips were created to make raising kids easier and help you…
The Peer Factor
Get in the Way Tip #7 Parents are the #1 influence on their kids growing up. BUT, as they get older, peers take on that influence. Teen’s priorities switch from making their parents proud, to making their peers proud; a people-pleasing mentality that is detrimental when the influencer is not a positive one. So, What…
Roadblocks to Change
As a teen, my mission in life was to never be like my father. The worst day of my life was the day I realized I was just like him. That was the day I realized I had to do more than think I wanted to be different…I had to do something to become different…and that is how my worst…
Suicide Prevention
Are you contemplating suicide? Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline here: 1-800-273-8255 or chat here with someone who can listen and help. During the COVID-19 quarantine, mental health has been a hot topic. Tragically, many have committed suicide due to the overwhelming nature of such a pandemic, and the social isolation that has come…
Verbalize Your Expectations Often
Get in the Way Quick Tip #1 So who has the most influence on a teen’s choice to use drugs or alcohol? The answer: parents and peers. I mention peers just momentarily, as we’ll talk about the “peer factor” in an upcoming segment. But for now, who your kids hang with or associate with should…
“Get in the Way” — Discover the Meaning
Say Something, Do Something Have you seen the hand? Many have and now they want to know what does Get in the Way actually mean? Here’s one valuable insight: The teen brain focuses on risk and excitement. Our job as parents, grandparents, and caring adults is to Get in the Way or foil a teen’s…